Monday, October 30, 2006

Going Bats!

One of our first graders created this wonderful bat with wings that really work!

3-D paper sculpture

This fourth grader created this truck by looking at a
photograph of a truck in one of our art books on paper

Sailing away

One of our fourth graders turned a cardboard display

on it's side and transformed it into a sailboat!

Our Choice-Based Art Room

Paint center

Our Choice-Based Art Room allows students to find artistic inspiration in a variety of places and from a variety of influences.

3-D design center

Drawing center


Two 4th grade students spent 6 classes creating
this wonderful work of art! They came up with many
methods for creating two eyes.

3-Dimensional Paper sculpture

Paper sculpture, grade 2. This student created 'two dogs looking at two toys.'

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Welcome to our John B. Sliney art room blog!

As the title says, we are allowing our talented artists at Sliney school to share their art with you. Soon we will begin displaying the art of our students. I, Mr. Dormer, will also update the blog with helpful information on what is happening in our art room.