Thursday, September 24, 2009

Drawing and collage are popular

This student created a mythical creature at drawing!
A swingy swingset from a second grader,

And a lovely table and chairs!!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


This student was inspired by an artist in their class last year to create this Paul Klee-like work of art!!

Boy, are we having fun!!!

We have toys being made! By a second grader!! This student worked quietly for 2 classes creating this wonderful skateboarder.
This pattern of figures came from a fourth grader. He came in ready to work on the first day and wanted to make one of these 'people chains'. It took him two classes and looks great!!

This second grader wanted to make a house. As we haven't opened 3-Dimensional art yet, the artist made it out of paper. Very sturdy, and very beautiful...

Obstacle course

This is a fourth grader who created an obstacle course. We videotaped her artist statement as we had lots of movement!!