Thursday, December 03, 2009

Expressive faces and patterns!

This face was created by a second grader at collage. We noticed details like the position of the eyes and mouth suggest emotion. The tape suggests cheeks and ears.
This kindergarten artist uses tape to mimic pattern.

Monday, November 16, 2009

This second grade artist has been painting flowers for 3 classes. She is mastering her media! Bravo!!

Two third grade artists have been inspired by the work of Alexander Calder to create this wiry work of art!

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Henri Matisse and clay texture

Students have been learning about Henri Matisse in second grade. Matisse is noted for the term "collage" to describe art created with cut paper. This second grade fruit bowl is an example of collage.

This clay sculpture came to us after a discussion on texture in fourth grade.

This is a pop up created by a fourth grade artist at our collage table. Many of our students learn how to manipulate paper in 3-dimensions prior to moving on to clay or recycled sculpture.

Monday, October 19, 2009

3-Dimensional art

One fourth grader created this on a play day at clay. It's a rose!
This fourth grade artist began to make a net to trap someone. She even started it over when it wasn't working out. This artist has been working on this for 4 classes.

This beautiful castle from a second grade artist took 8 classes. She began with the base by coloring paper to create the moat. Then moved on to the 3-D table to add the towers and drawbridge. Awesome!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Second Graders...

Have been learning how to layer paint.

Painting is open!!

Our kindergarteners and first graders have been introduced to our paint center.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Drawing and collage are popular

This student created a mythical creature at drawing!
A swingy swingset from a second grader,

And a lovely table and chairs!!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


This student was inspired by an artist in their class last year to create this Paul Klee-like work of art!!

Boy, are we having fun!!!

We have toys being made! By a second grader!! This student worked quietly for 2 classes creating this wonderful skateboarder.
This pattern of figures came from a fourth grader. He came in ready to work on the first day and wanted to make one of these 'people chains'. It took him two classes and looks great!!

This second grader wanted to make a house. As we haven't opened 3-Dimensional art yet, the artist made it out of paper. Very sturdy, and very beautiful...

Obstacle course

This is a fourth grader who created an obstacle course. We videotaped her artist statement as we had lots of movement!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Welcome Back!

We have begun our art exploring with a Dragon...

And a mask.

I'm looking forward to another creative year.